The completion of the Certified SolidWorks Professional Sheet Metal exam shows that an individual has successfully passed a skills test that demonstrates their ability to use the sheet metal tools inside of SolidWorks. Employers can be confident that an individual possessing this certification understands the set of tools inside SolidWorks that will aid in the design of sheet metal components.
Recommended Training Courses:
Solidworks Essentials
Sheet Metal
Exam Length: 2 hours
Minimum Passing grade: 75%
All candidates receive electronic certificates and a personal listing on the CSWP directory* when they pass.
Exam features hands-on challenges in many of these areas of SolidWorks Sheet Metal functionality:
- Linear Edge Flange
- Curved Edge Flange
- Miter Flange
- Closed Corner
- Gauge Tables
- Bending calculation options:
- Bend Allowance
- Bend Deduction
- K-Factor
- Hem
- Jog
- Sketched Bend
- Forming Tool
- Unfold and Fold
- Flatten