CSWP-Mold Tools是SW最近新推出的認證,主要是以模具設計特徵功能為主,又有新挑戰了!



The Advanced Mold Tools exam will test your ability to utilize the Mold Tools found in SolidWorks. Understanding SolidWorks Mold Tools will help to aid a user in the completion of a robust mold design in an efficient manner. Successful completion of this exam will demonstrate a users knowledge of how to correctly utilize these tools found in SolidWorks.

Recommended Training Courses:
Mold Design Using SolidWorks

Exam Length: 90 minutes

Minimum Passing grade: 80%

All candidates receive electronic certificates and personal listing on the CSWP directory* when they pass.

Note:  You must use at least SolidWorks 2008 for this exam.  Any use of a previous version will result in the inability to open some of the testing files.

Exam features hands-on challenges in many of these areas of the SolidWorks Mold Tools functionality:

  • Parting Line Creation
  • Parting Line Surface Creation
  • Draft Analysis
  • Shut-off Surface Creation 
  • Imported Part Repair 
  • Cavity Tool 
  • Parting Line Split Face

    創作者 育睿 的頭像

    韓多魯's 3D舞台

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